Talking ASEAN on "Post-COVID ASEAN: Shifting Political-Security Paradigms?"
Talking ASEAN on "Analysing ASEAN's Centrality and Its Commitment to Regional Peace and Stability"
Talking ASEAN on "Regional Defence Cooperation amidst COVID-19: Challenges & Opportunities"
Talking ASEAN on "Protecting Fundamental Human Rights in ASEAN amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic"
Talking ASEAN on "Regional Competition for Infrastructure Investment in ASEAN"
Talking ASEAN on "Outlook on Viet Nam's Chairmanship of ASEAN: Hopes and Expectations"
Seminar Nasional "Demokratisasi dan Kesehatan Masyarakat" (HUT The Habibie Center 20)
Talking ASEAN on "Addressing Disinformation vs Freedom of Expression" (HUT The Habibie Center 20)
Seminar Nasional "Demokrasi Indonesia Setelah Dua Dekade Reformasi"? (HUT The Habibie Center 20)
Talkshow "Mengenang Karya Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie untuk Indonesia" (HUT The Habibie Center 20)
Penganugerahan Habibie Award XXI Tahun 2019 (HUT The Habibie Center 20)
Kisah Perempuan Agen Perdamaian (THC PERAN)